• info@eincopsoft.com
  • Mon - Sat 10:00AM - 06:00PM Sunday CLOSED

Find out what each person wants and deliver the most effective message to convert them from visitors, to leads, to customers

Email is the most effective & easy way to reach and build your customer relationships. Through this mode of promotion you can easily share creative & intractive message to your specific target customer.

You can track every email for better understanding of your content, design, customer, response & more of all best time for campaigns.

The best marketing doesn't feel like marketing.



Solves all the inherent problems of non-targeted marketing.

Easy Share

Subscribers can forward brilliant deals and offers to their friends at the click of a button.


Analytics are indispensable to measuring the success of any campaign.

Real Time

Due to the immediacy of email, a business can start seeing results within minutes of its emails being sent.

Cost Saving

Perhaps the most appealing advantage of email marketing is the return on investment. No print costs, no postage fees, no advertising rates.

Return On Investment

Email marketing is the fantastic return on investment

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